Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This is how I look now. I shaved my head a few weeks ago for pediatric cancer. Here are a few pics from the event:

It is growing back super fast. I don't think it looks too bad right now (and most people tend to agree) so part of me wants to keep it like this because I don't have to dry or style it AT ALL. However, I would like a slightly more feminine cut, so I'm trying to get to a pixie cut of some sort. I'm excited to see how that will look. I honestly feel NO different without my hair. I take this as a good thing that it wasn't such a big part of my identity...I actually keep forgetting that it's different now. I never looked in mirrors much before anyways...not that I avoided them, I just never made it a point to go and check out how I looked all the time. A quick glance in the morning and while I'm washing my hands during the day is all I need.

In other news, I'm thinking of trying some sort of strawberry chocolate smoothie. I was tempted to look up a recipe, but I'm trying to get more adventurous and try things out myself in the kitchen. Without actually looking, there was one posted on facebook that is alcoholic and pretty involved...I will probably try it at some point.  I'll be sure to post if I end up trying one that comes out tasty!

Do you consider your hair to be a big part of your identity? Would you consider cutting it short? Are you adventurous in the kitchen or do you mainly follow recipes like me?


  1. Thankfully my hair is not part of my identity. It used to be until I realised hair/identity sucked (see: and cut em both out of my life. Things are much better now.

    In the kitchen: am known to be adventurous the point of recklessness and have ruined more than a few dinners as a result.

  2. I bet you've also had some delicious dinners as a result! Thanks for commenting!
